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Family and Relationships (audio files included)


1.00 lbs
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Beginner – LINC/CLB 1-2
Middle School - Adult
A LINC/CLB Theme Workbook & Audio CD
Heather Hovdebo
Text 90 pages

Take A Look Inside

This 90 page workbook and audio CD introduces basic family themes through three units:

Who Is In Your Family? Who Are We? Chores In Our Family?

Each unit is divided into five sections:
Vocabulary Listening Speaking Reading Writing

The vocabulary section introduces the target thematic vocabulary and reinforces it with illustrations and basic exercises. Once the students have grasped the vocabulary they move onto the listening, speaking, reading and writing sections. Each unit has over 25 different exercises.

The exercises include:

Who Is In Your Family? Unit:
•     Vocabulary

  1.      Target Vocabulary     
  2.      Matching
  3.      Capital Letters     
  4.      Scrambled Words     
  5.      Fill in the Blanks
  6.      Word Boxes     

•     Listening

  1.      Listen and Circle
  2.      Write the First Letter
  3.      Story & Questions     
  4.      Dialogue & Questions
  5.      Listen for Instructions

•     Speaking

  1.      Personal Information - Numbers
  2.      Personal Information – Names
  3.      Personal Information - In my family, I am a…     
  4.      Family Information - Pass It On     
  5.      Personal Information Exchange     

•     Reading

  1.      Story & Multiple Choice
  2.      Questions: Yes or No Answers          
  3.      Chart and Questions          
  4.      Point Form: True or False Responses          
  5.      Paragraph: Match Sentences          

•     Writing

  1.      Fix the Punctuation
  2.      Respond to the Questions
  3.      Paragraph Writing
  4.      Yes, I do. No, I do not.
  5.      Read the Answer. Write the Question

Who Are We? Unit:
•     Vocabulary

  1.      Target Vocabulary     
  2.      Synonyms     
  3.      Alphabetical Ordering     
  4.      Rhyming - Fill in the Blanks     
  5.      UPPERCASE - lowercase          

•     Listening

  1.      Following Instructions     
  2.      A Word For...                    
  3.      Story and Questions               
  4.      Circle the Word that Does Not Belong     
  5.      Sentence and Question

•     Speaking

  1.      Finish the Sentence: I am a... You are a...
  2.      Pronouns
  3.      Finish the Sentence: She is a... He is a...
  4.      Syllables
  5.      Game: Syllables

•     Reading

  1.      Story and Multiple Choice          
  2.      Circle the Word That Does Not Belong     
  3.      Story & Questions     
  4.      Invitation & Questions
  5.      Following Instructions: Prepositions, Symbols & Shapes

•     Writing

  1.      Singular & Plural Form     
  2.      Questions: Personal Information
  3.      Unscramble the Sentences     
  4.      Punctuation          
  5.      Plural Forms of Special Words

Chores In Our Family? Unit
•     Vocabulary

  1.      Target Vocabulary
  2.      Match          
  3.      UPPERCASE - lowercase     
  4.      Unscramble and Match     
  5.      Alphabetical Order     
  6.      Cube Toss     

•     Listening

  1.      True or False
  2.      Circle the Sentence You Hear
  3.      Story: “Yes” or “No” Questions
  4.      Following Instructions
  5.      Dialogue and Questions

•     Speaking

  1.      Ball Brainstorm     
  2.      Talking About Chores
  3.      From Best to Worst     
  4.      Pictures & Questions     
  5.      Interview: My Chores, My Partner’s Chores

•     Writing

  1.      Write the Words Under the Picture
  2.      Seven Chores that I Do
  3.      Answers With Yes or No Beginnings
  4.      Verbs: Present, Future and Past Tense     
  5.      Requests For Help

•     Reading

  1.      Story & Multiple Choice Questions
  2.      Chart: Answer the Questions
  3.      Story & Multiple Choice Questions
  4.      Punctuation: Find The Correct Sentence


Text 90 pages
ISBN 978-1-894799-25-6
$69.95 CDN
Includes Photocopy Permission for One Purchasing Site/School or Purchasing Teacher